SEUNG-SCHIK YOO, PHD Director, Neuromodulation and Tissue Engineering Laboratory (NTEL)…
Ron Kikinis, MD: AI in Medicine: A Technology with Staying Power
Ron Kikinis, MD
B. Leonard Holman Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School
Founding Director, Surgical Planning Laboratory
Vice-Chair for Biomedical Informatics Research
Department of Radiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Artificial Intelligence is a technology inspired by biology which is used to perform feature selection in data. During the last decade a variation of this technology has rapidly replaced other algorithmic approaches in many image analysis applications. The presentation provides an introduction into the concepts underlying deep learning.
The power of this technology is then demonstrated in examples. Finally, the need for organizing data and making the data accessible is discussed. Properly curated, annotated and machine searchable data are an important prerequisite for research using deep learning technologies.