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AT-NCIGT - The National Center for Advanced Technologies for Image Guided Therapy

Collaborations with other NIH-funded researchers is critical to the application of AT-NCIGT technology to important problems in both basic and applied image guided therapies. Current and past collaborations have allowed AT-NCIGT technologies to be applied to radiation therapy, brain tumor therapy, abdominal lesion resection, and focused ultrasound therapy. In addition to local and regional collaborators, we have a wide network of national and international points of contact, ensuring that our core research efforts are informed by both the latest research techniques and emerging requirements of their respective application domains.

We continually seek new collaborations where we can contribute technology. If you are interested in a collaboration with AT-NCIGT, please

  • Submit this application form below
  • Consider that the criteria we use to select from available collaboration opportunities include: match with our skills, resources, and expertise; projects funded by NIH; projects leading to clinical translation; projects originated by academic institutions, applications from regions in US that are under-resourced or under-represented in NIH funding.

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