Guigen Liu, PhD Instructor in Radiology Brigham and Women’s Hospital…
Kishore Rajendran, PhD: Photon-counting-detector CT: Fundamentals, Technical Evaluation, and Clinical Applications
Kishore Rajendran, PhD
Associate Consultant, Radiology Research
Assistant Professor of Radiology
CT Clinical Innovation Center
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Photon-counting-detector (PCD) CT system has been recently introduced for clinical use. In this talk, the fundamental detection mechanism of PCDs and how it translates to improved imaging performance relative to conventional CT systems will be described. Technical evaluation of the first clinical PCD-CT system will be discussed. Clinical imaging tasks and patient examples will be presented to showcase the performance of PCD-CT in comparison to state-of-the-art conventional CT system(s). The talk will conclude with emphasis on opportunities, challenges, and potential areas of impact from this new imaging technology.
Short Bio
Dr. Rajendran received his PhD in Radiology/bioengineering from the University of Otago in New Zealand. He is currently an associate consultant in the Department of Radiology at Mayo Clinic. Prior to joining Mayo Clinic, he worked on the CERN Medipix photon-counting detectors (PCD) for small-animal imaging. Since 2016, he has led investigations on two research whole-body PCD-CT systems and the recent dual-source clinical PCD-CT system. His primary research interests include technical characterization of PCDs and PCD-CT systems, development of PCD-CT noise reduction techniques, material decomposition for multi-energy CT, and preclinical and clinical evaluation of high-resolution PCD-CT.