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AT-NCIGT - The National Center for Advanced Technologies for Image Guided Therapy

Center Executive Director
Assistant Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School

My work in the last ten years has focused primarily on innovations in open source systems for image-guided therapy, outreach without borders, and the smooth execution of complex research programs. I established outreach mechanisms for two NIH funded national resource centers and have developed numerous influential practices for collaboration and community building, centered on image-guided therapy, computational image analysis, 3D Slicer, open source software, open data, and open organizations.

In my role as the Executive Director and leader for Training and Dissemination component for AT-NCIGT I interface with the TR&D investigators to ensure that the research results from the are disseminated to the broader community through the numerous outreach mechanisms for the Center. I also work closely with the PI and clinical directors to ensure that the portfolio of collaboration and service projects is scientifically and geographically well distributed.

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