Ferenc Jolesz First Monday Research Seminars
The Department of Radiology holds a monthly Ferenc Jolesz Seminar series presented by Harvard Medical School investigators, as well as speakers from other institutions, on a wide range of topics related to image-guided therapy. These seminars honor the late FERENC JOLESZ, MD who founded the multidisciplinary image-guided therapy program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is widely known as a founding father of the field of image-guided therapy.
02Oct 17
Martha Shenton, PhD: Imaging in CTE and Repetitive Head Trauma
Martha Shenton, PhD Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology, BWH, HMS Director of the Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, BWH Health Scientist at the VA Boston Healthcare System, Brockton Division Senior Scientist, BWH Senior Scientist at The Judge Baker Children’s Center Research…