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AT-NCIGT - The National Center for Advanced Technologies for Image Guided Therapy

Ferenc Jolesz First Monday Research Seminars

The Department of Radiology holds a monthly Ferenc Jolesz Seminar series presented by Harvard Medical School investigators, as well as speakers from other institutions, on a wide range of topics related to image-guided therapy. These seminars honor the late FERENC JOLESZ, MD who founded the multidisciplinary image-guided therapy program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is widely known as a founding father of the field of image-guided therapy.

06Feb 23

Zhou Lan, PhD: Recent Statistical Methods for Diffusion MRI

          Zhou Lan, PhD Instructor in Medicine, HMS Biostatistics Investigator, BWH Abstract Diffusion MRI is a popular imaging technique to investigate the tissue microstructure. The diffusion MRI data has been routinely used for various medical applications.…

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17Oct 22

Anthony Samir, MD: An Introduction to AI-GUIDE

Anthony Samir, MD Assistant Professor of Radiology Service Chief, Body Ultrasound MGH, Director, MGH Center for Ultrasound Research & Translation Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Abstract In this talk, Dr. Samir will introduce the concept of combining machine learning algorithms…

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